2019-05-18 13:18:54 UTC
During his 1992 campaign for the presidency, Bill Clinton was
fond of promising America, You get two for the price of one,
indicating Hillary Clinton would act as his co-president.
But the nation got much more than it bargained for, as the top
power couple brought a load of baggage with them into the White
House from their days in Arkansas.
After the Clintons moved into the presidential mansion, the
political scandals multiplied from use of the IRS and FBI to
target political opponents to stalking and harassing subjects of
Bill Clintons sexual advances and even attempts to loot
taxpayer-funded items from the White House. Americans also
witnessed capers such as Travelgate, Chinagate, Filegate and
Bill Clintons sexual escapades and subsequent impeachment by
the U.S. House of Representatives on charges of perjury and
obstruction of justice consumed more than a year of American
public life and bitterly divided the nation.
In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has
brought America Emailgate and the Benghazi scandal, among
others. New developments in the Clinton Foundation scandals
emerges almost daily.
Now, its Hillarys turn to be president, according to her
Democrat supporters.
But in 2015, America is still apparently suffering from Clinton
fatigue. Results from a Quinnipiac poll published in April
revealed between 49 and 56 percent of voters in three
significant swing states Colorado, Virginia and Iowa believe
Hillary is neither honest nor trustworthy.
Even former California Democratic Party Chairman Bill Press told
WND that controversies surrounding Hillary should convince
members of his own party an uncontested coronation of Clinton as
the partys 2016 nominee for the White House is a very risky
idea and should encourage other Democrats to throw their hats in
the ring.
Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican candidate for president, said
Sunday he believes voters will reject Hillary because of the
cloud of constant scandal she brings to the political process.
Rubio told Fox News Sunday, Unfortunately, both under her
husbands presidency, her time in the Department of State, her
campaign for the president last time and even now, there seems
to be this cloud of constant scandal and things that distract us
from the core issues of the moment.
Hillarys drama could become a distraction, Rubio warned, at a
time when the stakes are high for America in the 2016 election.
I just think that at this hinge moment in our history, where we
are asked to make a transition from the past into this new
future, with all the challenges and the opportunities of our
time that we really the American people are not at a point now
where they are going to be supportive of more drama surrounding
the political process, he said.
In 2003, ABC News Barbara Walters referenced numerous Clinton
scandals from Whitewater to Travelgate and the death of Hillary
law partner Vince Foster in an interview with then-Sen. Clinton.
Walters asked Hillary, How did you get in this mess where your
whole credibility is being questioned?
Hillarys response: Oh, I ask myself that every day, Barbara,
because its very surprising and confusing to me.
With Hillary making another run for president, dont get caught
up in the lies and spin! In Hillary Unhinged: In Her Own
Words, find out who the true Hillary is with this raw and
humorous collection of quotes that pitilessly underscores her
With the prospect of another two-for-one Clinton presidency
looming, is America ready for a repeat of the Bill and Hillary
drama in the White House?
If, as psychologists say, The best predictor of future behavior
is past behavior, then a fresh look at the top 20 scandals
involving Hillary is in order.
11) Landing under sniper fire in Bosnia
In her March 17, 2008, foreign-policy speech on Iraq, then-Sen.
Hillary Clinton recalled a trip she made to Tuzla, Bosnia, in
I remember landing under sniper fire, Hillary said of her
visit while she was first lady. There was supposed to be some
kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just
ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our
But news footage of her visit revealed her sniper fire claim
wasnt just exaggerated. It was completely false. And Hillary
had repeated the claim several times, including during her time
on the presidential campaign trail in 2007.
Rather, Hillary landed on a tarmac and greeted a crowd,
including an 8-year-old child who gave her a poem, under no
duress. According to the Washington Post, a review of more than
100 news articles revealed no security threats to Hillary at the
After the 2008 speech, Hillary was asked about her statements,
and she stood by them: There was no greeting ceremony, and we
basically were told to run to our cars. Now that is what
But, a week later, Hillary told the Philadelphia Daily News that
she misspoke. Hillary claimed she had been told there was a
threat of sniper fire in the area.
The following day, she declared: So I made a mistake. That
happens. It shows Im human, which for some people is a
Sounds like Obama and his buddy Brian Williams...
fond of promising America, You get two for the price of one,
indicating Hillary Clinton would act as his co-president.
But the nation got much more than it bargained for, as the top
power couple brought a load of baggage with them into the White
House from their days in Arkansas.
After the Clintons moved into the presidential mansion, the
political scandals multiplied from use of the IRS and FBI to
target political opponents to stalking and harassing subjects of
Bill Clintons sexual advances and even attempts to loot
taxpayer-funded items from the White House. Americans also
witnessed capers such as Travelgate, Chinagate, Filegate and
Bill Clintons sexual escapades and subsequent impeachment by
the U.S. House of Representatives on charges of perjury and
obstruction of justice consumed more than a year of American
public life and bitterly divided the nation.
In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has
brought America Emailgate and the Benghazi scandal, among
others. New developments in the Clinton Foundation scandals
emerges almost daily.
Now, its Hillarys turn to be president, according to her
Democrat supporters.
But in 2015, America is still apparently suffering from Clinton
fatigue. Results from a Quinnipiac poll published in April
revealed between 49 and 56 percent of voters in three
significant swing states Colorado, Virginia and Iowa believe
Hillary is neither honest nor trustworthy.
Even former California Democratic Party Chairman Bill Press told
WND that controversies surrounding Hillary should convince
members of his own party an uncontested coronation of Clinton as
the partys 2016 nominee for the White House is a very risky
idea and should encourage other Democrats to throw their hats in
the ring.
Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican candidate for president, said
Sunday he believes voters will reject Hillary because of the
cloud of constant scandal she brings to the political process.
Rubio told Fox News Sunday, Unfortunately, both under her
husbands presidency, her time in the Department of State, her
campaign for the president last time and even now, there seems
to be this cloud of constant scandal and things that distract us
from the core issues of the moment.
Hillarys drama could become a distraction, Rubio warned, at a
time when the stakes are high for America in the 2016 election.
I just think that at this hinge moment in our history, where we
are asked to make a transition from the past into this new
future, with all the challenges and the opportunities of our
time that we really the American people are not at a point now
where they are going to be supportive of more drama surrounding
the political process, he said.
In 2003, ABC News Barbara Walters referenced numerous Clinton
scandals from Whitewater to Travelgate and the death of Hillary
law partner Vince Foster in an interview with then-Sen. Clinton.
Walters asked Hillary, How did you get in this mess where your
whole credibility is being questioned?
Hillarys response: Oh, I ask myself that every day, Barbara,
because its very surprising and confusing to me.
With Hillary making another run for president, dont get caught
up in the lies and spin! In Hillary Unhinged: In Her Own
Words, find out who the true Hillary is with this raw and
humorous collection of quotes that pitilessly underscores her
With the prospect of another two-for-one Clinton presidency
looming, is America ready for a repeat of the Bill and Hillary
drama in the White House?
If, as psychologists say, The best predictor of future behavior
is past behavior, then a fresh look at the top 20 scandals
involving Hillary is in order.
11) Landing under sniper fire in Bosnia
In her March 17, 2008, foreign-policy speech on Iraq, then-Sen.
Hillary Clinton recalled a trip she made to Tuzla, Bosnia, in
I remember landing under sniper fire, Hillary said of her
visit while she was first lady. There was supposed to be some
kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just
ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our
But news footage of her visit revealed her sniper fire claim
wasnt just exaggerated. It was completely false. And Hillary
had repeated the claim several times, including during her time
on the presidential campaign trail in 2007.
Rather, Hillary landed on a tarmac and greeted a crowd,
including an 8-year-old child who gave her a poem, under no
duress. According to the Washington Post, a review of more than
100 news articles revealed no security threats to Hillary at the
After the 2008 speech, Hillary was asked about her statements,
and she stood by them: There was no greeting ceremony, and we
basically were told to run to our cars. Now that is what
But, a week later, Hillary told the Philadelphia Daily News that
she misspoke. Hillary claimed she had been told there was a
threat of sniper fire in the area.
The following day, she declared: So I made a mistake. That
happens. It shows Im human, which for some people is a
Sounds like Obama and his buddy Brian Williams...